
Vías como top-rope en Harrison's Rocks

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 501 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
Sandown Crags
3a The Ramp

A substandard and unclean route

Top-rope 5m
6a+ DJ Face the Music

Ascend the steep wall situated between The Ramp and Central Route using delicate and technical climbing techniques. The arete can also be climbed at a similar level of difficulty or marginally more challenging.

Top-rope 5m
3a Central Route

Scale the crack with a slabby surface located in the middle of the buttress.

Top-rope 5m
4a Usurer

This climb follows the juggy bulges located at the right-hand side of a lengthy, fragmented, and slightly sloping wall.

Top-rope 5m
2 Slab Left
Top-rope 5m
4 Slab Traverse

A entertaining challenge that involves traversing from 'Slab Right' to 'Slab Left' without using any handholds.


5a Part-Time DJ

Climb The Ramp while staying in line with the slab on DJ Face the Music. Traverse towards the right to finish the climb around the right side of the arete.

Top-rope 5m
4a Rampette Direct

The direct start to Rampette, which comes in from the right

Top-rope 5m
6a Theosaur

To the right Rampette Direct, as a result of clearance work, there is a vertical face. Ascend this face and execute a mantel to reach the ledge above.

Top-rope 5m
3c Latte Bar

Climb the corner and twin cracks that converge at the top, located just to the left of the short bulging wall.

Top-rope 5m
4a Wizard

Ascend the staircase until you reach and pass over a minor protrusion or roof.

Top-rope 5m
3a Wizard's Little Apprentice

This route entails ascending a series of steps located on the left-hand side of the buttress.

Top-rope 5m
4a Graham

A simple and direct ascent up the middle of the buttress.

Top-rope 5m
4b Golden Graham's

The final manoeuvrer involves a challenging transition over the roof.

Top-rope 5m
3a Hen of the Woods

A brief and straightforward route

Top-rope 5m
3a Artist's Conk

Another route that is both brief in length and straightforward

Top-rope 5m
3a Trembling Merulius

Similar to the previous routes, this one is also relatively easy, but the top-out can be muddy or dirty.

Top-rope 5m
3a Jack O'Lantern

The climbing on this route is somewhat disconnected, and includes ascending to a holly tree.

Top-rope 5m
3a Mushrooms

Ascend the groove

Top-rope 5m
3b Stepped Slab

Ascend to the platform and finish with relative ease above it.

Top-rope 5m
3a Mezzanine

Shift leftwards to finish

Top-rope 5m
3c Urban Slab

Ascend the slab and with a holly tree exit

Top-rope 5m
Green Wall
4a Trees are green

Choose the left-hand path on the damp and recessed wall, which is situated just to the right of a few tree routes.

Top-rope 7m
6c+ Photinia

Ascend the brief featureless wall on the left-hand side of the recessed buttress until you reach a slanting crack that leads to the large tree.

Top-rope 7m
7a Teddy Bear's Picnic

Ascend to the break and make a forceful reach for the indistinct vertical cracks situated above, then finish by ascending the substantially better upper half.

Top-rope 7m
6c+ New Hat

Upon completing a featureless initial section, ascend the groove. Be aware that this section of the climb may be prone to seepage from the soil located above it.

Top-rope 7m
6b Central Groove

Ascend the upper groove after another blank initial section.

Top-rope 7m
6b+ Dynamo

To reach the break, you can either make a long reach or execute a dyno. The upper half of the climb is generally more satisfying.

Top-rope 7m
6a Usurper

This route features a lower section that is considered more manageable, which leads to the upper groove.

Top-rope 7m
7a Special Invitation

Ascend the middle of the wall between Teddy Bear's Picnic and Central Groove by jumping to start, similar to New Hat.

Proceed upward and to the left using a small incut hold and climb the wall located to the left of New Hat to complete the route in an awkward manner.

Top-rope 7m
7a The Violent Sprat

Ascend the wall located 3 meters to the right of Usurper without utilising the arete.

Top-rope 7m
Kukri Wall
5b Penknife

Ascend the left-hand side of the overgrown Kukri Wall buttress via a mantleshelf and a brief crack.

Top-rope 6m
4b Breadknife Buttress

Although not fully independent until you move to the left higher up, the best climbing on the wall can be found on this route. Finish the climb with a somewhat rounded and slightly awkward top-out.

Top-rope 6m
3c Kukri Wall

Follow the central groove using holds that are currently in decent condition but may be somewhat dirty. It is anticipated that the condition of the holds will improve with time.

Top-rope 6m
5a Kukri Wall Direct

To start, position yourself to the right of the holly tree and then ascend the right-hand side of the buttress directly.

Top-rope 6m
5a Kukri Wall Tree

This route on the right-hand side is very similar to Kukri Wall Direct. Despite the name, do not utilise the tree during the climb.

Top-rope 6m
Eyelet Wall
3a Mossy Itch

Situated to the left of the way up and down to Eyelet Wall, and it is concealed by a holly tree. To reach the base of the Hidden Holly Tree Buttress, approach the problem from above and descend a sandy gully.

The route involves manteling the first break and then delicately ascending the nose to the top of the mossy pinnacle.

Top-rope 4m
6b Laraletme

Ascend the brief crack and wall that is positioned to the left of the arête.

Top-rope 5m
6b Ringlet

Begin by confronting the lower bulge and then proceed to complete the ascent by climbing up the left arête.

Top-rope 5m
7a Twiglet

Climb up towards the roof and search for the undercut hold on the left side, then complete the climb with a challenging finish over the bulging roof.

Top-rope 5m
4b Eyelet

This route is a miniature classic. It involves steeply ascending over the bulge, which is significantly more technical than it may initially appear.

Top-rope 5m
6c Singlet

Ascend the wall adjacent to Dave's route using a layback technique to reach a mantel shelf, then continue onto an intriguing overhanging top-out to finish

Top-rope 5m
4b Tight Chimney Slab

Begin by climbing the chimney until you reach the noticeable break, then traverse in a rightward direction before ascending the middle of the shallow slab

Top-rope 5m
4 Ejector

A delightful short route that ascends the curving groove. It is possible to prolong the climb by ascending the block above if desired.

Top-rope 5m
5+ Shytte

Right of Sand Piper is a dirty and blunt arête that appropriately lives up to its name.

Top-rope 5m
Root Routes
6c Trip of the Psychedelic Tortoise

Trace the crack until you reach a gradually inclining top-out.

Top-rope 6m
6b Carrera

You can begin the climb from the lower left side of the slab and ascend in a zig-zag pattern. Alternatively, you can start by climbing the crack located to the left of the slab.

Top-rope 6m
4b Open Chimney

This is a delightful chimney climb that can be approached using multiple methods.

Top-rope 6m
6a Cottonsocks Traverse

Commencing at the base of the chimney, ascend gradually towards the upper right until you reach the top break. Complete the climb by ascending the shallow groove located in the center of the wall, or slightly to the right.

Top-rope 6m
6b+ Root Route 3

Ascend the bulging rib situated just to the right of Open Chimney.

Top-rope 7m
6a+ Root Route 2.5

Ascend the left-hand side of the wall directly, situated just to the right of the nose, using the two low and rounded oval pockets. Finish to the left of the shallow groove.

Top-rope 7m
6c Root Route 2

Utilise a sloper to gain purchase within the conspicuous, deep, circular hole. Climb upward more effortlessly to the top break and then traverse left to complete the climb by ascending the shallow groove.

Top-rope 7m
6a+ Root Route 1.5

Commence the climb two meters to the right of the circular pocket and ascend directly up the wall.

Top-rope 7m
4a Root Route 1

Ascend the right-hand side of the wall until it is possible to move leftward along the ascending shelves. Follow these shelves until reaching the indistinct groove situated at the centre of the upper face, then conclude by ascending this groove.

Top-rope 7m
6c The Land of Green Ginger

Climb the brief wall located above a boulder and execute a challenging mantel to reach the top.

Top-rope 6m
6b+ Flake News

Ascend the left-hand variation of Carrera, but instead of following the original line, finish in a more self-reliant manner by going directly over the bulges located above.

Top-rope 6m
Blackeye Wall
6b Blackeye Wall

Ascend the crack using a layback technique, finger jam, or other methods that suit your style. Once you reach the break, move leftwards and finish with a challenging mantel to reach the top.

Top-rope 6m
6b+ Blackeye Wall Direct

Finish directly on Blackeye Wall rather than veering leftwards

Top-rope 6m
7a Fugazi

A challenging route that requires avoiding contact with adjacent routes. The climb goes up the face to a slot and continues beyond it.

Top-rope 6m
6b Serendipity

Face climb without using the cracks on either side.

Top-rope 7m
3a A Small Bit of Black

A short and straightforward crack climb that passes by a tree.

Top-rope 6m
6c Slanting Crack

Climb a series of flakes up to a break and then finishing with relative ease.

Top-rope 6m
6c Counterfeit

A powerful face climb on small holds, without using the crack.

Top-rope 6m
5b Right-hand Crack

A very short off-width that is particularly attractive to climbers who are familiar with the techniques involved.

Top-rope 6m
7b Soft Rock

Use minuscule hand and foot holds to scale the face, without utilising the surrounding arete or crack.

Top-rope 6m
Fang Wall
6b Cucumber Madness

Ascend the brief, narrow ridge on a section of soft rock with a challenging finish.

Top-rope 6m
6b Smear Campaign

Ascend the initial section, which may be dirty, and then finish by climbing up the shallow crack.

Top-rope 6m
6c Wisdom

Ascend the smooth wall at the lower section until reaching the break, and then finish by ascending the crack. The grade of the climb will be influenced by the climber's height.

Top-rope 6m
6c Fang

If the climber is not tall enough, they may need to stack up some pads to reach the break, which will make the climb easier. Alternatively, they can try to jump to reach the break, allowing them to attempt the bulge above.

Top-rope 6m
6b+ Incisor

Jump to reach the break and then ascend the crack above by clambering. The climb will likely improve with practice over time.

Top-rope 6m
6b Stranger than Friction

Ascend to the break and then face the challenge of the difficult finish.

Top-rope 6m
4a Steph

Ascend the brief and unclean disjointed crack.

Top-rope 6m
4c Happy New Wanderers

Ascends the left edge of the buttress, which has recently been cleaned.

Top-rope 6m
5b Weeping Slab

The section on the left-hand side of the slab, which is frequently wet.

Top-rope 4m
4b Gollum

Ascend the right side of the climb, which can often be covered in green vegetation.

Top-rope 4m
Rotten Stump Wall
7a Corridor of Uncertainty

Ascend this route, which has no visible features or holds and presents a serious challenge due to the very small holds available.

Top-rope 7m
6b Sticky Wicket

Climb up the crack and navigate to the greasy finish. Make use of the holds present on either side of the crack.

Top-rope 7m
7a Ritual

Located between Sticky Wicket and Rotten Stump Wall and requires avoiding holds on both.

Use the pockets on the face to gain the break, and then stand up on the postbox slot. Finally, use the tiny sloping crimps to rock up for the top.

PA: Jamie Dugdale, 23 Feb 2019

Top-rope 7m
6b+ Rotten Stump Wall

This route requires long moves between holds and slopers that are often greasy and unpleasant to grip.

Top-rope 7m
6c Rotten Stump Arete

Ascend the edge of the rock face to connect with Sliding Corner.

Top-rope 7m
6b Sliding Corner

Begin by using the chimney to establish yourself on the left wall. From there, traverse around the corner with balance and proceed directly up the left side of the arete using regular but awkward holds. Finally, exit with a delicate mantle shelf. This climb can be very rewarding and enjoyable for those who attempt it.

Top-rope 8m
6c Awkward Crack

The narrow crack can be found on the wall of the gully located immediately to the right of Sliding Corner.

Top-rope 8m
3a Easy Chimney

This is an easy chimney that is popular with children. However, it is important to note that children should still walk off and not be lowered down.

Top-rope 8m
3a Fingernail Crack

This adjacent crack to the chimney offers a fun laybacking challenge and eventually merges with Easy Chimney.

Top-rope 8m
6b+ Gwains' Awete

Located between Fingernail Crack and Dinosaurus on the right-hand side of the slab, this climb follows the right arete. A toe jam at the base of the arete is permitted before making your way straight up to the vegetated top-out.

Top-rope 8m
Panther's Wall Area
6a Dinosaurus

Climb out of the gully and continue up the middle of the wall.

Top-rope 6m
6c Dinosaurus Direct

Ascend the arete directly and join with Dinosaurus.

Top-rope 6m
6b+ Smiliodon

Ascend the crack and then traverse right to finish up the arete.

Top-rope 6m
6c Smiliodon Direct

Complete Smiliodon using the direct finish

Top-rope 6m
6b+ Old Dog; New Ticks

Ascend the right-hand side of the arête towards the right of Smiliodon, commencing from a layback flake and executing challenging maneuvers onto the slab, culminating in a straightforward finish over the top bulge.

Top-rope 4m
6c Inimitability

There is a technical route situated to the left of the corner.

6b+ Out of The Blue

To the left-hand side of the wall, situated just to the right of Beech Crack, there is a route with an extremely bouldery start.

Top-rope 7m
6b+ Blue Peter

Climb the arete, starting on the left side, but using either side as needed.

Top-rope 7m
6b Tomcat

Climb the left end of the wall that provides the right side to a broad gully.

Top-rope 7m
6c Panther's Wall

Climb the wall left of the arete, using obvious under-cuts above half way.

Top-rope 7m
6a+ Snout

Climb the rounded arete at the end of the wall. Harder at the start, finishes easily.

Top-rope 7m
3c Snout Crack

Climb the chimney. Facing left is suggested.

Top-rope 7m
6c Guy's Problem

Climb the sharp arete right of Snout Crack.

Top-rope 7m
6b Mantelpiece

Short and sweet, with a lovely mantel into the niche, and that's all there is to it.

Top-rope 5m
3a Beech Corner

Climb the corner with the obvious dead beech stump, going left of the stump.

Yes, the stump gets in the way.

Top-rope 5m

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 501 vías.

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